South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!

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Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!

The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.

  • See below for Project Updates
  • See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
  • A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
  • Ask a Question about the project
  • Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.

Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.

You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).

Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!

The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.

  • See below for Project Updates
  • See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
  • A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
  • Ask a Question about the project
  • Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.

Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.

You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    The Project Team has developed a set of Early Directions for the SHLAP, based on background analyses, Task Force committee feedback, and community and stakeholder input to date.

    The Early Directions survey will allow us to gauge levels of support for different ideas and help us "course correct" on any given direction, prior to developing the draft LAP.

    The Early Directions will eventually (once updated based on your feedback) inform the development of a Draft Local Area Plan (LAP). 

    Your input is hugely valuable to the project process – thank you!

    The survey will be open until November 8, 2021.

    * Paper surveys are available upon request. Please, contact the District office: (250) 474-1773

    Share Early Directions Survey on Facebook Share Early Directions Survey on Twitter Share Early Directions Survey on Linkedin Email Early Directions Survey link
Page last updated: 11 Jul 2022, 09:48 AM