South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!
Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!
The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.
- See below for Project Updates
- See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
- A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
- Ask a Question about the project
- Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.
Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.
You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).
Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!
The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.
- See below for Project Updates
- See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
- A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
- Ask a Question about the project
- Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.
Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.
You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).
Draft SHLAP: Thank you for your feedback!
Share Draft SHLAP: Thank you for your feedback! on Facebook Share Draft SHLAP: Thank you for your feedback! on Twitter Share Draft SHLAP: Thank you for your feedback! on Linkedin Email Draft SHLAP: Thank you for your feedback! linkThe Project Team would like to thank everyone that submitted feedback for the Draft SHLAP.
The feedback period on the draft is now closed. The Project Team will now review the input and refine the Draft SHLAP over the next few weeks, with the goal of presenting to District Council in September.
Stay tuned for updates!
Draft SHLAP ready for your feedback!
Share Draft SHLAP ready for your feedback! on Facebook Share Draft SHLAP ready for your feedback! on Twitter Share Draft SHLAP ready for your feedback! on Linkedin Email Draft SHLAP ready for your feedback! linkThe full Draft SHLAP is ready for community feedback!
The past several months has seen the completion of the Early Directions Survey, development of a preliminary draft SHLAP, extensive input from the SHLAP Task Force, and discussion and input from District Council. All of this contributed to the draft SHLAP. We are now looking for your input, once again, to help finalize the draft prior to presenting it to District Council in September.
You can view and download the document here or on the District website here.
Please, send your feedback directly to the District Planner, Laura Becket:
The Project Team will be receiving your feedback until July 10, 2022.
Thank you – your time and input is valuable.
Project Update - November, 2021
Share Project Update - November, 2021 on Facebook Share Project Update - November, 2021 on Twitter Share Project Update - November, 2021 on Linkedin Email Project Update - November, 2021 linkThank you to all who participated in the Early Directions Survey! This update provides information on the Early Directions Survey and next steps:
- We received 268 responses to the Early Directions surveys. WOW. The project team are processing and analyzing the data, to develop the Engagement Summary Report.
- The Engagement Summary Report serves as the next major deliverable for the project, and will be posted on the District’s web site once ready.
- After that is complete, the Project Team will draft early local area plan key content.
- Review of the draft early local area plan key content will be the subject of the next Task Meeting. We expect this to occur approximately 5 weeks after the Engagement Summary is made public.
Early Directions Survey is closed – Thank you!
Share Early Directions Survey is closed – Thank you! on Facebook Share Early Directions Survey is closed – Thank you! on Twitter Share Early Directions Survey is closed – Thank you! on Linkedin Email Early Directions Survey is closed – Thank you! linkWe had great community participation in the Early Directions Survey – over 250 responses!
A big THANK YOU to all of those that took the time to participate.
Stay tuned for our Engagement Summary report, before we move into developing a draft of the South Highlands Local Area Plan.
Early Directions Survey on NOW!
Share Early Directions Survey on NOW! on Facebook Share Early Directions Survey on NOW! on Twitter Share Early Directions Survey on NOW! on Linkedin Email Early Directions Survey on NOW! linkThe Early Directions Survey is now LIVE!
Have your say on a series of early directions that will eventually inform the development of the draft South Highlands Local Area Plan.
Share your feedback on:
- Placemaking and character of the South Highlands;
- Land use in key areas, including the 'Gateway' properties (e.g., OK-I, Millstream Meadows);
- Transportation improvements;
- and more!
The survey window is open until November 8, 2021.
We want to hear from you!
* Paper surveys are available upon request. Please, contact the District office: (250) 474-1773
Happy New Year!
Share Happy New Year! on Facebook Share Happy New Year! on Twitter Share Happy New Year! on Linkedin Email Happy New Year! linkHappy New Year from the Project Team! We look forward to hearing more from you in 2021.
On November 30, we hosted an online Stakeholder Workshop. A summary of the event can be found here, along with the overview presentation.
On January 19 and February 10, the next Task Force meetings will be held, in which we will review a draft set of Preliminary Plan Directions.
In late February, we will launch our second Community Survey on the Preliminary Plan Directions – as a way to test the outcomes of the project, so far.
Stay tuned for updates and a link to the Plan Directions Survey.
You can also visit the District website for the latest meeting documents (e.g., agendas, summaries, and draft Preliminary Directions).
Project Update – November, 2020
Share Project Update – November, 2020 on Facebook Share Project Update – November, 2020 on Twitter Share Project Update – November, 2020 on Linkedin Email Project Update – November, 2020 linkThe Visioning Survey is now closed – a big 'thank you' to all of those who participated.
These are the next steps in the project process:
- November 30 – Stakeholder Workshop to further explore solutions and scenarios for the area;
- December/January – Project Team will identify early themes and directions based on analyses and engagement input to date;
- January/February – Plan Directions Survey will harvest community input on early directions for the LAP;
- Late Winter – What We Heard report summarizing all of the community engagement to date;
- Early Spring – Development of Draft LAP and further feedback opportunities.
Thank you and stay safe over the holidays.
Visioning Survey – We Want to Hear from You!
Share Visioning Survey – We Want to Hear from You! on Facebook Share Visioning Survey – We Want to Hear from You! on Twitter Share Visioning Survey – We Want to Hear from You! on Linkedin Email Visioning Survey – We Want to Hear from You! linkIn the initial survey window, we heard from some Highlands residents about their vision for the future of the South Highlands.
But, we still want to hear from you!
Common themes and directions, so far, include:
- Protecting groundwater and surface water
- Requiring innovative green development
- Conserving forested areas and maintaining wildlife corridors
- Finding ways to mitigate heavy truck traffic on Millstream Road
- Creating/enhancing off-road routes for walking and cycling
- Supporting the creation of local businesses and gathering places (e.g., market, cafe)
We have extended the survey window until November 18, 2020.
Have your say!
Project Launch Event – September 23, 2020
Share Project Launch Event – September 23, 2020 on Facebook Share Project Launch Event – September 23, 2020 on Twitter Share Project Launch Event – September 23, 2020 on Linkedin Email Project Launch Event – September 23, 2020 linkPhase 2 of the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP) is underway! In this phase, the plan will actually be created – through iterative rounds of research, public engagement, and writing... until we collectively get it right.
Join us for the Project Launch on September 23, 2020 (*registration required)
What: SHLAP Project Launch Open House
Where: Highlands Community Hall
When: 4:00pm-4:40pm | 5:00-5:40pm | 6:00-6:40pm
How: Event registration required, due to COVID19 protocols
Please, contact the District to register for your preferred timeslot – or (250) 474-1773
Key Dates
June 20 → July 10 2022
October 07 → November 08 2021
September 20 2021
Follow Project
PHASE 1 (Winter/Spring 2020)
South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk! has finished this stageA series of Task Force meetings helped to establish the LAP area, process, and topics for the main LAP project ('Phase 2').
South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk! has finished this stageA technical review of existing conditions to understand the context and identify key opportunities and challenges.
VISIONING & DIRECTIONS (Fall 2020 - Fall 2021)
South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk! has finished this stageA series of online and in-person engagements will generate and harvest ideas for the future, and then identify preliminary directions for the LAP.
DRAFT DEVELOPMENT (Winter 2021 - Spring 2022)
South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk! has finished this stageBased on public feedback on preliminary directions, a draft LAP will be developed.
South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk! is currently at this stageBased on public feedback on the draft LAP, the final LAP will be iteratively refined.
The final SHLAP will be presented to District Council at a public meeting.
Who's Listening
Phone (250) 474-1773 Email -
DRAFT South Highlands Local Area Plan (8.36 MB) (pdf)
SHLAP Background Summary Report (Aug 2021 update) (7.62 MB) (pdf)
Summary Assessment of Contaminated Sites in Focus Area (165 KB) (pdf)
SHLAP Study Area Map (1.95 MB) (pdf)
SHLAP Project Launch Event - Presentation Boards.pdf (9.36 MB) (pdf)
SHLAP Phase 2 Terms of Reference (4.49 MB) (pdf)
SHLAP – Overall Project Terms of Reference (926 KB) (pdf)
Highlands OCP Land Use Map (415 KB) (pdf)
Feb 10 - 2021-02-03_SHLAP - Preliminary Directions.pdf (2.91 MB) (pdf)
2021-12-21_Highlands_SHLAP_What_We_Heard.pdf (9.1 MB) (pdf)
COVID19 Response
The District of Highlands is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and is following Provincial health recommendations, implementing measures such as indoor capacity limits, designated one-way traffic, physical distancing, routine cleaning practices, no sharing tools and food, contactless registration and public input options, and physical barriers where needed.