South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!

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Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!

The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.

  • See below for Project Updates
  • See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
  • A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
  • Ask a Question about the project
  • Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.

Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.

You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).

Welcome to the Engagement Hub for the South Highlands Local Area Plan (SHLAP)!

The Project Team is currently developing a Draft SHLAP based on two rounds of Community Engagement, which are now completed. Thank you to everyone that participated in the Launch Event, Visioning Survey, Big Ideas, and the Early Directions Survey. And, a special thank you to the SHLAP Task Force members who have provided important input throughout the project, so far.

  • See below for Project Updates
  • See the Documents section on the righthand side for the Engagement Summary Report.
  • A Draft SHLAP is currently being developed – with further community engagement on the draft to come.
  • Ask a Question about the project
  • Scroll down to view project information (right side), including Key Dates, Project Lifecycle, and Project Documents.

Please, Sign Up to get involved and Subscribe to receive email updates about engagement opportunities and project progress.

You can also visit the SHLAP page on the District of Highlands website, which includes all relevant project resources (e.g., Task Force agendas and summaries; written correspondence).

Have a question? Ask it here!

Feel free to ask the Project Team questions about the project or engagement events/tools.

We will post a response, here, as soon as possible.

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  • Share Has the equestrian community been consulted? I'm not keen on a cycling path on Finlayson Arm. A multi use path maybe but a single use no. on Facebook Share Has the equestrian community been consulted? I'm not keen on a cycling path on Finlayson Arm. A multi use path maybe but a single use no. on Twitter Share Has the equestrian community been consulted? I'm not keen on a cycling path on Finlayson Arm. A multi use path maybe but a single use no. on Linkedin Email Has the equestrian community been consulted? I'm not keen on a cycling path on Finlayson Arm. A multi use path maybe but a single use no. link

    Has the equestrian community been consulted? I'm not keen on a cycling path on Finlayson Arm. A multi use path maybe but a single use no.

    Rebecca asked over 3 years ago

    The equestrian community has not been specifically consulted; though, we have targeted all HIghlanders in our communications to date and certainly welcome input from that community.

    There was a "cycling path" discussed in the early draft Preliminary Directions with the Task Force. However, this is unlikely to be on Finlayson Arm Rd and likely to be a multi-use trail when presented as part of the Preliminary Directions survey, later this month.

  • Share Your system won't accept my postal code, for some reason, insists that "Victoria BC" is my postal code, and then won't accept it. What do I do about it? I have made multiple attempts. on Facebook Share Your system won't accept my postal code, for some reason, insists that "Victoria BC" is my postal code, and then won't accept it. What do I do about it? I have made multiple attempts. on Twitter Share Your system won't accept my postal code, for some reason, insists that "Victoria BC" is my postal code, and then won't accept it. What do I do about it? I have made multiple attempts. on Linkedin Email Your system won't accept my postal code, for some reason, insists that "Victoria BC" is my postal code, and then won't accept it. What do I do about it? I have made multiple attempts. link

    Your system won't accept my postal code, for some reason, insists that "Victoria BC" is my postal code, and then won't accept it. What do I do about it? I have made multiple attempts.

    Carolyn Wheatcroft asked almost 4 years ago

    Hi Carolyn,

    I am sorry that you are having trouble.

    The postal code form is confusing, because you will see the location as "Victoria, BC" for a Highlands Postal Code, due to the nature of our region (see image below). However, we will be able to identify it as a Highlands postal code.

    If this doesn't solve your issue, then please let us know!

  • Share I like the photo you have chosen for the announcement “South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!“, but you should know the photo was taken in the North Highlands. on Facebook Share I like the photo you have chosen for the announcement “South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!“, but you should know the photo was taken in the North Highlands. on Twitter Share I like the photo you have chosen for the announcement “South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!“, but you should know the photo was taken in the North Highlands. on Linkedin Email I like the photo you have chosen for the announcement “South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!“, but you should know the photo was taken in the North Highlands. link

    I like the photo you have chosen for the announcement “South Highlands Local Area Plan: Let's Talk!“, but you should know the photo was taken in the North Highlands.

    J Hughes asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you.

    Yes, we are aware that this image is not from the study area. For better or worse, we decided to choose a fairly generic/beautiful "visioning" image for the home page.

  • Share Would you be able to post a map of the area referenced in the project that includes street names? I cannot tell from the maps provided what the actual area is. Thank you. on Facebook Share Would you be able to post a map of the area referenced in the project that includes street names? I cannot tell from the maps provided what the actual area is. Thank you. on Twitter Share Would you be able to post a map of the area referenced in the project that includes street names? I cannot tell from the maps provided what the actual area is. Thank you. on Linkedin Email Would you be able to post a map of the area referenced in the project that includes street names? I cannot tell from the maps provided what the actual area is. Thank you. link

    Would you be able to post a map of the area referenced in the project that includes street names? I cannot tell from the maps provided what the actual area is. Thank you.

    Catherine Burrage asked almost 4 years ago

    Sorry for the slow reply.

    If you download the Study Area Map (scroll down to "Documents" on the righthand side of the main page), then you can zoom in and see the street names.

    If you need a map with larger street name labels, then please let me know – and I will create one.

Page last updated: 11 Jul 2022, 09:48 AM